Kitty's Kids at Shady Grove Inc.

    Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
--Mark 10:14

News and Events:

Tuesday, March 4th: Registration Opens to the Public
Saturday, March 8th: Shady Grove UWF Yard Sale
Sunday, March 9th: Daylight Savings Time
Wednesday, March 12th: Stretch-N-Grow
March 13th-May 8th: Soccer Shots if Registered 3:15 pm
Thursday, March 13th: St Patrick's Day Celebration & Green Lunch Day (Shayna, Carrie, Barbara)
Monday, March 17th: St Patrick's Day Celebration & Green Lunch Day (Leslie, Mackenzie, Hannah, Kim)
Wednesday, March 19th: All Artwork orders due from parents
Friday, March 21st: Hanover County Schools Open (This is a change)
Tuesday, March 25th: Spring Pictures (Shayna, Carrie, Barbara)
Wednesday, March 26th: Spring Pictures (Leslie, Mackenzie, Hannah, Kim) 
Wednesday, March 26th: Stretch-N-Grow
Monday, March 31st-Friday, April 4th: Spring Break Week 

REGISTRATION Opens for the 2025 Summer Term and 2025-2026 School Year

Tuesday, February 18th: Current Students at 7am
Wednesday, February 26th: Alumni Families and Church Members at 7am
Tuesday, March 4th: Open to the Public at 7am

Supplies Needed:  2024-2025

Baby Wipes 1 package10 count Washable Markers (Broad Tip)

24 count Standard Crayons 8 or 10 count Large Crayons(not jumbo)

Tissues Glue Sticks

Paper Towels         13 Gallon Tall Kitchen Trash Bags

Curriculum: March

Theme: It's A New World

Color: Green Shape: Rectangle

Letters: T, U, V & Review Numbers: 15 & 16

Bible Stories: Introducing the Bible as a book of stories about God & Jesus

Creation Story/Created In God's Image (Genesis 1-2)

Adam & Eve (Genesis 2:4-3:24)

        Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)

                Jonah (Jonah 1-3)

*The School-age children will also focus on similar themes and Bible stories.