Kitty's Kids at Shady Grove Inc.

    Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
--Mark 10:14


Kitty's Kids services children ranging from 3 years old through 5th grade

5 Full Day Preschool

5 1/2 Day Preschool

3 Full Day Preschool

2 Day Traditional Preschool 3 year old(Tuesday/Thursday)

3 Day Traditional Preschool 3 year old(Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday)

3 Day Traditional PreK(Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday)

4 Day Traditional PreK(Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday)

Afterschool and School Holiday care for Kindergarten through 5th grade for the following schools:

Mechanicsville Elementary (before school care provided for MES only)

Washington Henry Elementary

Laurel Meadows Elementary

Pole Green Elementary

Summer Camp is provided for 3 year old through 5th grade